More than 80 experts of the collagen industry gathered in Freiberg to discuss the novelties of collagen research. During September 14 to 15, participants from 14 mainly European countries exchanged their knowledge on different topics ranging from basic knowledge to specific chemicals as glycosaminoglycan. We were proud to have as lecturers: Prof Michael Gelinsky of Technical University Dresden (DE), Prof Peter Fratzl of Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces from Potsdam (DE), Prof Johannes Lenstra from Utrecht University (NL), Prof Ben Fabry of University of Erlangen-Nuremberg (DE) and Dr Vera Hintze of Max Bergmann Center of Biomaterials in Dresden (DE).
In the course of the symposium, 19 lectures provided the basis for numerous questions and lively discussions, which will, no doubt, lead to inspiring co-operations in the future. In the afternoon of the first conference day, a poster session was held. Overall, seven scientists presented their findings on posters and were available to answer any arising queries.
Afterwards, there was the opportunity to participate in the social programme, which comprised a guided tour through the city of Freiberg, the `historicum` and the silver mine `Reiche Zeche`. For dinner, the participants met at the restaurant `Brauhof Freiberg`. The time during and after dinner offered possibilities for individual exchange as well as collagen-related conversation. All in all, the 6th Freiberg Collagen Symposium provided a great platform for everyone interested in collagen.
We say thank you to all lecturers, visitors and the whole Team of FILK for this successful conference, which get great appreciation.
Next time, the 7th Freiberg Collagen Symposium will be held presumably in 2020.

Dr. Michael Meyer (FILK gGmbH) opens the 6th Freiberg Collagen Symposium

View into the well-filled conference hall "Alte Mensa" in Freiberg

Prof. Michael Gelinsky from the University Hospital of Dresden was the first speaker to report on his latest research results at the "Centre for translational bone, joint and soft tissue research".

Diana Voigt (now FILK gGmbH) presents her research results together with Prof. Magerle from the University of Chemnitz during the poster session

In sunny weather the common dinner was unceremoniously moved to the beer garden of the Freiberger Brauhof. There, the one or other point could be specified in convivial company.