Leather and Leather Processing

Besides wool, stone and wood leather is one of the oldest natural materials in human history. It has always been used as protective and decorative clothing but also as technical material. Today, leather has nearly vanished from technical applications. But despite numerous substitutes leather continues to be popular with the automotive, furniture, shoe and fashion industries thanks to its properties and its precious and natural character. And as sustainability and ecology play an important role in particular in these industries, there are consistently new approaches for research topics.

Head of Department

„The topic renewable resources has been accompanying all of my professional life. Leather is a renewable resource, too. Time and again I am fascinated by the variety in which leather can be manufactured with most different properties, by the fact how the tanning and leather industries convert the byproduct hide into a precious and at the same time functional material. And although this natural material is as old as mankind itself, there are always new things to explore and to discover."

Dr. Anke Mondschein

Head of Department Leather and Leather Processing


Tannery and leather manufacture are the oldest fields of competence at FILK. The forerunners of our institute are the first Deutsche Gerberschule and the Versuchsanstalt für Lederindustrie. We can reflect upon more than 130 years of experience with leather manufacture. Today research activities focus on the whole process of technology for leather manufacture: new technologies for liming, tanning, re-tanning and finishing. Research work comprises both fundamental approaches and optimisation concepts for technologies, formulations and auxiliaries as well as utilisation of byproducts.

Recent discourses about sustainability and ecology in an increasingly critical public brought various initiatives and activities into motion in the leather sector. For many years the industry has been paying special attention to resource-efficient and environmentally friendly technology as well as process chemicals. Also in this connection there are always new approaches for research and development activities.

Our Services

In the field of leather and leather processing we offer the following services:

  • Tests relating to leather and analytics at the leather laboratory

  • Development and manufacturing of historic restoration leathers for the conservation of art work and cultural assets

  • Analysis of tanning materials

  • Tanning experiments in our tannery pilot plant



Do you have questions about our services? Contact us!

Dr. Anke Mondschein

Head of Department Leather and Leather Processing

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All completed projects can be found here To Project Library


FILK Freiberg Institute gGmbH
Meißner Ring 1-5
09599 Freiberg


Fon: +49-(0)3731-366-0
Fax: +49-(0)3731-366-130
E-Mail: mailbox@filkfreiberg.de