Chemistry of Polymers

The research projects of the previous years resulted in the finding that the properties of coatings and compound materials could be designed more functional and improved in quality if one succeeded in integrating additional "functions" and avoiding compatibility problems occurring. This can be achieved for instance through a targeted chemical modification of the polymers involved in the composite structure and/or with customised additives. The department "Chemistry of polymers" rises to this challenge.

By means of chemical and physicochemical methods of combining polymer structural elements with different inherent properties a new type of polymer systems shall be created.

Head of Department

"The collaboration of various disciplines is what fascinates me most about polymers. Chemistry is equally important as physics. The composition of formulations and the chemical modifications are as crucial as the interactions between the compounds. The smallest particles or the substitution of functional moieties may have enormous impacts. We aim at understanding and utilizing the structure-property relationships of polymers and additives. By combining and modifying materials of different resources, we want to contribute to the progress towards sustainability and alternative materials."

Dr. Maren Lehmann

Head of Department Polymer Chemistry


Currently, the work of our department focuses on three subjects. On the one hand we are coupling polymers of synthetic and biological origin in a suitable way with each other (polymer-analogous implementation, reactive spacer groups, block copolymers). Synthesis of special polymers is also intended. On the other hand we are thoroughly investigating the role and the effect of surface active agents in stabilising aqueous polymer dispersions as advanced coating materials. We would like to understand them better than to date, in order to influence film or layer formation in a targeted way. Thirdly, we are modifying the properties of polymers using functional additives such as plasticisers and flame retardants. Here above all we focus on bio-based systems. In this regard we can already draw on a wealth of experience. In addition, methods for characterising the molecular structure of polymers are gradually established.

Our Services

In the field of polymer chemistry and characterisation we offer the following services:

  • development work for testing and optimising formulations and processing procedures in the fields of dispersions, plasticisers and flame resistance,

  • viscosity measurements and rheological investigations,

  • dynamic mechanical thermal analysis and thermogravimetric analysis

Do you have questions about our services? Contact us!

Dr. Maren Lehmann

Head of Department Polymer Chemistry

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End of project: 02/28/2026


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Transparenter Lack mit permanenter Antistatikwirkung für flexible Verbundmaterialien

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End of project: 02/28/2026


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Charakterisierung von EZM-basierten Medizinprodukten

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Birgit Voigt, FILK Freiberg

End of project: 01/31/2026


  • Biogenic Raw Materials
  • Biomaterials
  • Methods/Processes

Equine ECM-Patches für die rekonstruktive Chirurgie

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Marit Baltzer, FILK Freiberg

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Wasserbasierter und fleckbeständiger PLA-Lack für flexible PUR-Kunstleder

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End of project: 10/31/2025


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Kollagen als Binder für wasserbasierte Na-Ionen-Batterien und Superkondensatoren (KoBiNa)

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  • Biogenic Raw Materials
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Polyol-Recyclate durch Glycerolyse von flexiblen PU-Wertstoffen für den Wiedereinsatz in neuen Materialien

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Linda Köhler, FILK Freiberg

End of project: 08/31/2025


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Sandra Stenzel, FILK Freiberg | Martin Schulze, IFN Schönow

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iSi-Care: Mit künstlicher Intelligenz und silikonbasiertem Elektroden-Array zur differenzierten Versorgung bei akuten Gelenksverletzungen

BMWK IGF 22708 BR | Laufzeit: 03.2023 – 02.2025

Martin Heise, FILK Freiberg; Andreas Heinke, IBMT TU Dresden

End of project: 02/28/2025


  • Functional Layer Systems
  • Methods/Processes

Recycling von Mehrlagen-Verbunden und -Textilien mittels integriertem Ansatz für das Delaminieren nach Bedarf (Debonding on Demand)

BMWK IGF-Cornet 349 EBG | Laufzeit: 03.2023 – 02.2025

Frauke Junghans, FILK Freiberg

End of project: 02/28/2025


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Polymer-LED-Komposite mit aktiver sensorbasierter Steuerung am Beispiel der Bilirubin-Therapie

BMWK IGF 22822 BG | Laufzeit: 02.2023 – 01.2025

Martin Heise, FILK Freiberg; Heiko Rexin, OUT Berlin

End of project: 01/31/2025


  • Technical Textiles/Composites

Entwicklung einer hybridpolymerbasierten Membran zur Aufreinigung von Methanströmen durch die Abtrennung von Stickstoff

BMWK INNO-KOM 49MF220046 | Laufzeit: 08.2022 – 01.2025

Sophia Rau, Kristin Trommer, FILK Freiberg

End of project: 01/31/2025


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BMWK IGF 22362 BR | Laufzeit: 07.2022 – 12.2024

Susanne Fritz, Maren Lehmann, FILK Freiberg

End of project: 12/31/2024


  • Technical Textiles/Composites
  • Material Characterization

noFoul – Mikrostrukturbasierte Oberflächenfunktionalisierung für die, großflächige, biozidfreie Biofilm- und Bewuchshemmung auf Architektur-, Schwimmbad und Schutzfolien | Erarbeitung der Prozessgrundlagen und mikrobiologischen Funktionsbewertung

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Mandy Gersch, Kathrin Leppchen-Fröhlich, FILK Freiberg | SWG Frankenberg | Reisewitz Penig | sema Coswig | IF TU Dresden

End of project: 10/31/2024


  • Functional Layer Systems
  • Technical Textiles/Composites

All completed projects can be found here To Project Library


FILK Freiberg Institute gGmbH
Meißner Ring 1-5
09599 Freiberg


Fon: +49-(0)3731-366-0
Fax: +49-(0)3731-366-130