Research networks

Active engagement in national and international research networks is of central importance for each research institution. In particular with regard to more complex social, economic and ecological challenges in future, strengths have to be pooled, synergies generated and interdisciplinary alliances forged. An important element is the close incorporation of companies from industry and economy. It is also our institute which is engaged in different technical and strategic networks, in order to advance main research areas or to achieve improved perception of industrial research institutions such as ours in the public sphere.

Strong networks – Huge range

Only because of the fact that our institute is a member of Arbeitsgemeinschaft industrieller Forschungsvereinigungen e.V. (Federation of Industrial Research Associations (AiF)) it is in company of more than 100 industry-based research associations which in turn combine more than 50,000 companies of all trades and industries under one roof. They are all part of industrielle Gemeinschaftsforschung (cooperative industrial research (IGF)). In addition, there are the 70 institutes of Zuse-Gemeinschaft e. V. (German industrial research community Konrad Zuse) which organises and represents our industrial research institutions at federal level. Its Saxon equivalent, SIG e. V. (Saxon industrial research community), has 18 members who closely cooperate at state level. The technical networks which are often initiated from these associations reach from nanocarbon, environmentally friendly packagings, medical engineering, biotechnology, to the Zuse cluster bioeconomy.


FILK Freiberg Institute gGmbH
Meißner Ring 1-5
09599 Freiberg


Fon: +49-(0)3731-366-0
Fax: +49-(0)3731-366-130