Functional Layer Systems

The functional requirements for modern materials continually increase. Often a basic material alone no longer meets these requirements. At this place functional layers and composite materials come in, as well as our research department "Functional layer systems" which deals with research and development of flexible compound materials. The task is to develop functional materials in a custom-designed way. For this purpose innovative material combinations, modified polymer systems and manufacturing technologies adapted accordingly are applied.

Head of Department

 "The development of functional layer systems is extremely diverse and the required properties are multifarious. It is this broad spectrum that I particularly appreciate in my work. I am constantly excited to develop innovative research work, which contributes solutions to the industrial problems. What motivates me the most is to see a former idea finally resulting in a concrete application which is implemented by companies and utilised by end-users."

Dr. Kristin Trommer

Head of Department Functional Layer Systems

Profound Knowledge and Experience

To develop multifaceted functional polymer materials industrially established and continuous application processes like spread coating, gravure printing, extrusion or calendaring is used.  New manufacturing concepts like alternative fabrication, drying and venting process complete the above continuous processes. In particular, Additive manufacturing process like printing of 2D and 3D objects or drying process by means of radio waves are promising choice. These processes are especially focussed for the establishment and advancement of flexible and elastic materials.

Furthermore, in developing materials with tailor-made properties, it is critical to formulate individual recipes. It is not only the chemical composition that matters for the preparation of application related polymer formulation but also their mixing to yield ready-to-use compound. Currently, materials for the field of smart textiles, flame retardant composites, polymer membranes or classical textile reinforced composites (synthetic leather, floor covering, tarpaulin) are developed. The polymer systems used for the above mentioned fields are polyurethane, polyvinyl chloride, silicone, polyolefins, polylactide or polybutylene succinate.   

Our Services

In the field of functional layer systems we offer the following services:

  • Planning and execution of coating tests at our numerous plants

  • Preparation and manufacture of coating compounds of different types

  • Functional demonstration for functionalised composites

Do you have questions about our services? Contact us!

Dr. Kristin Trommer

Head of Department Functional Layer Systems

Projects that might be interesting for you To Project Overview

Entwicklung nachhaltiger kreislauffähiger Verbundmaterialien

SAB-Förderrichtlinie Energie und Klima - FRL EuK/2023 | Laufzeit: 09.2024 – 08.2028

Dr.-Ing. Mandy Gersch, FILK Freiberg; Dr. Kristin Trommer, FILK Freiberg

End of project: 08/31/2028


  • Biomaterials
  • Functional Layer Systems

„Kreislauffähiger textiler 1-Komponenten-Materialverbund für den Einsatz in öffentlichen Transportmitteln“ (1K-Verbund)

BMBF 033R401A | Laufzeit: 09.2024 – 08.2027

Andriy Horechyy, FILK Freiberg; Dr. Kristin Trommer, Koordinator, FILK Freiberg; Dr. Frank Gähr, Deutsche Institute für Textil- und Faserforschung Denkendorf (DITF); Christian Hirling, HÜBNER GmbH & Co. KG; Manfred Feiler, friedola 1888 GmbH

End of project: 08/31/2027


  • Biogenic Raw Materials
  • Functional Layer Systems
  • Technical Textiles/Composites
  • Methods/Processes
  • Material Characterization

Anorganischer SiSiCo-UV-Lack

BMWK INNO-KOM 49MF230112 | Laufzeit: 10.2024 – 12.2026

Dr. Andrea Winkler, FILK Freiberg

End of project: 12/31/2026


  • Functional Layer Systems
  • Technical Textiles/Composites

Nachhaltige stärkebasierte, verkapselte Flammschutzmittel für Teppichrückenbeschichtungen zur Anwendung in Verkehrsmitteln

ZIM KK5332112PA4 | Laufzeit: 07.2024 – 12.2026

Dr. Miriam Bader, FILK Freiberg; Stefan Bourgeois, Weserland GmbH; Dr. Felix Bischoff, Jäckering Research GmbH; Dr. Katrin Thümmler, TU Dresden, Institut für Pflanzen- und Holzchemie

End of project: 12/31/2026


  • Chemistry of Polymers
  • Biogenic Raw Materials
  • Functional Layer Systems
  • Methods/Processes

Entwicklung eines wertstofflich recycelfähigen PVC-Kunstleders

IGF 01IF23405N | Laufzeit: 10.2024 – 09.2026

Dr. Maren Lehmann, FILK Freiberg

End of project: 09/30/2026


  • Functional Layer Systems
  • Methods/Processes
  • Material Characterization

Verarbeitung von Weich-PVC-Rezyklaten in Streichbeschichtungen (rPVC in Streichbeschichtung)

BMWK INNO-KOM 49MF240022 | Laufzeit: 07.2024 – 09.2026

Dr. Christine Rincke, FILK Freiberg

End of project: 09/30/2026


  • Functional Layer Systems
  • Technical Textiles/Composites
  • Methods/Processes

In situ Bestimmung der Zug-Dehnungseigenschaften unter variierten klimatischen Bedingungen zur Charakterisierung von Bahnenwaren mit biobasierten Anteilen

BMWK IGF 01F23294N | Laufzeit: 03.2024 – 08.2026

Dr. David Ehinger, FILK Freiberg

End of project: 08/31/2026


  • Biogenic Raw Materials
  • Biomaterials
  • Functional Layer Systems
  • Test/Analytical methods
  • Technical Textiles/Composites

„Nachhaltige Anti-Icing-Aktivsysteme durch Entwicklung leitfähiger Beschichtungen" (ActiCoat)

BMWK IGF-Cornet 01IF00381C | Laufzeit: 04.2024 – 03.2026

Dr. Christine Rincke, FILK Freiberg

End of project: 03/31/2026


  • Functional Layer Systems
  • Methods/Processes

Entwicklung neuer Vernetzungsstrategien für die Herstellung von Silikonhybridschichten

BMWK INNO-KOM 49VF220064 | Laufzeit: 09.2023 – 02.2026

Sophia Rau, FILK Freiberg

End of project: 02/28/2026


  • Functional Layer Systems

Transparenter Lack mit permanenter Antistatikwirkung für flexible Verbundmaterialien

BMWK INNO-KOM 49MF230056 | Laufzeit: 03.2024 – 02.2026

Andrea Winkler, FILK Freiberg

End of project: 02/28/2026


  • Functional Layer Systems
  • Technical Textiles/Composites

Wasserbasierter und fleckbeständiger PLA-Lack für flexible PUR-Kunstleder

BMWK INNO-KOM 49MF230067 | Laufzeit: 11.2023 – 10.2025

Linda Köhler, FILK Freiberg

End of project: 10/31/2025


  • Chemistry of Polymers
  • Technical Textiles/Composites

MemTecplus – Stoffgewinnung durch Flachmembranfiltration | Teilprojekt: Entwicklung mikroporöser Membranfilter

BMBF WIR! rECOmine 03WIR1910A | Laufzeit: 10.2022 – 09.2025

Kristin Trommer, FILK Freiberg

End of project: 09/30/2025


  • Functional Layer Systems
  • Methods/Processes

Polyol-Recyclate durch Glycerolyse von flexiblen PU-Wertstoffen für den Wiedereinsatz in neuen Materialien

BMWK INNO-KOM 49VF220065 | Laufzeit: 09.2023 – 08.2025

Linda Köhler, FILK Freiberg

End of project: 08/31/2025


  • Technical Textiles/Composites

iSi-Care: Mit künstlicher Intelligenz und silikonbasiertem Elektroden-Array zur differenzierten Versorgung bei akuten Gelenksverletzungen

BMWK IGF 22708 BR | Laufzeit: 03.2023 – 02.2025

Martin Heise, FILK Freiberg; Andreas Heinke, IBMT TU Dresden

End of project: 02/28/2025


  • Functional Layer Systems
  • Methods/Processes

Recycling von Mehrlagen-Verbunden und -Textilien mittels integriertem Ansatz für das Delaminieren nach Bedarf (Debonding on Demand)

BMWK IGF-Cornet 349 EBG | Laufzeit: 03.2023 – 02.2025

Frauke Junghans, FILK Freiberg

End of project: 02/28/2025


  • Technical Textiles/Composites

All completed projects can be found here To Project Library


FILK Freiberg Institute gGmbH
Meißner Ring 1-5
09599 Freiberg


Fon: +49-(0)3731-366-0
Fax: +49-(0)3731-366-130