Participation in trade fairs and exhibitions is also an important component of communication policy in the research environment. The Institute regularly participates as an exhibitor in major trade fairs related to its fields of expertise. The techtextil in Frankfurt, the Biotechnika in Hanover and the mtex in Chemnitz are fixed components in the Institute's calendar of events. In addition, there are presentations at exhibitions accompanying conferences and scientific symposia related to the Institute's fields of research.
Presentations in public and political spaces are also regular activities of the Institute. The BMWK's Innovation Day for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises, an annual showcase of researching small and medium-sized enterprises, is just as much a part of the institute's activities as the activities of the Sächsische Industrieforschungsgemeinschaft e. V. (Saxon Industrial Research Association) and the Konrad-Zuse-Gemeinschaft e.V. (Zuse Association).