"What fascinates me about polymers is their chemical and structural diversity and the fact that we can approach their properties from various sides. To understand materials made of several polymer layers be it synthetic, biological, hybrid and also biologically inspired ones, this is our aim – but also to synthesize, modify, process and investigate their behaviour within the environment. Together with my colleagues I develop ideas and foster their creativity and curiosity. In this connection the horizontal knowledge transfer between chemists, engineers, physicists, biologists and mathematicians is important for me. Only this way we can broaden our knowledge and try out things we did not test so far, from the fundamental experiment up to the finished application with our customers from the industry."
Research for medium-sized businesses
FILK is an industrial research institution. Our activities focus on the research and development requirements, in particular of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). These enterprises shall be supported and strengthened with regard to their innovation activity with industry- and user-oriented research.
For this purpose we use funding programmes of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) such as the "Central Innovation Programme for small and medium-sized enterprises (Zentrales Innovationsprogramm Mittelstand (ZIM)". We are a member association of AiF (Federation of Industrial Research Associations) and coordinate and process projects of pre-competitive "cooperative industrial research (IGF)". We are a member of the German industrial research community Konrad Zuse. We acquire specific technical knowledge in the framework of the market-oriented fundamental and initial research programme INNO-KOM. The programmes are also funding programmes of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK).
For near-fundamental, in particular cross-industry research and development we also receive project-related support by federal and state ministries such as BMBF, BML, SMWA, SMWK and also by different foundations funding research.
Realize Projects Quickly
Providing bilateral contract research for our industrial customers, we are able to implement projects, for instance on material or technology development in a timely and efficient manner. In this regard our industrial partners benefit from the materials knowledge and the technological competence we acquired over decades in our established fields of science.
Our institute is integrated in national, European and further international research networks and councils. Thus, we are able to continuously extend our knowledge base and to actively help shaping the research arena.
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The FILK Freiberg Institute gGmbH comprises more than 150 employees who feel committed to the more than one hundred years of institutional history and who, every day anew through their dedicated, imaginative and technically experienced work enhance the unique material competence of the institute and the comprehensive capacities of the accredited test lab belonging to the institute.
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