
The surface of a material has important aesthetic tasks, it is the first thing noticed by the viewer, and there is no second chance for the first impression. For this reason it should appear to be of high quality and precious and it should feel comfortable to the skin. However, technical surfaces also have numerous functions. For instance they should be wear-resistant and non-ageing, stain-resistant, water- and oil-repellent, they should have good adhesion to coatings or should not cause squeaking sounds. In connection with these and numerous other properties there are still surface phenomena unsolved which are to be clarified in future.

Head of Department

„ In our fast moving time new and high demands are consistently made on technical surfaces. Characterisation, functionalisation and further development of these surfaces is the exciting task of the scientists at my department. The aim is to create more durable and resistant surfaces and to give them customised mechanical, physical and chemical properties. What is fascinating and at the same time challenging in my work is the functionality of the surfaces in most different scopes of application, from medical products and food packaging via electronics through to motorcars, which consistently require new creative research approaches."

Dr. Frauke Junghans

Head of Department Surfaces


Surfaces are not a new field of research at the institute. This field of research derives from material expertise for most different flexible polymer materials and composites the surfaces of which play an important role during the manufacturing process, but above all with regard to usage. What first of all started with plasma coatings in the nanometre range, for instance to activate surfaces for improved adhesion or printability, has become a comprehensive field of research around the topic "surfaces" today. Meanwhile surface phenomena such as the quality perceived, the equipment of surfaces for creating most different functions, or the prediction of friction and wear properties of materials are researched at the corresponding research department.

Our Services

Our surfaces department offers the following products and services:

  • Surface modifications

  • Material characterisations

  • Tests with regard to the friction and squeak behaviour

  • Tests concerning the perceived quality

  • Haptic-standard-leather (as arule A4-pieces)

  • Performance of studies on subjective perception

Do you have questions about our services? Contact us!

Dr. Frauke Junghans

Head of Department Surfaces

Projects that might be interesting for you To Project Overview

„Kreislauffähiger textiler 1-Komponenten-Materialverbund für den Einsatz in öffentlichen Transportmitteln“ (1K-Verbund)

BMBF 033R401A | Laufzeit: 09.2024 – 08.2027

Andriy Horechyy, FILK Freiberg; Dr. Kristin Trommer, Koordinator, FILK Freiberg; Dr. Frank Gähr, Deutsche Institute für Textil- und Faserforschung Denkendorf (DITF); Christian Hirling, HÜBNER GmbH & Co. KG; Manfred Feiler, friedola 1888 GmbH

End of project: 08/31/2027


  • Biogenic Raw Materials
  • Functional Layer Systems
  • Technical Textiles/Composites
  • Methods/Processes
  • Material Characterization

Anorganischer SiSiCo-UV-Lack

BMWK INNO-KOM 49MF230112 | Laufzeit: 10.2024 – 12.2026

Dr. Andrea Winkler, FILK Freiberg

End of project: 12/31/2026


  • Functional Layer Systems
  • Technical Textiles/Composites

Verarbeitung von Weich-PVC-Rezyklaten in Streichbeschichtungen (rPVC in Streichbeschichtung)

BMWK INNO-KOM 49MF240022 | Laufzeit: 07.2024 – 09.2026

Dr. Christine Rincke, FILK Freiberg

End of project: 09/30/2026


  • Functional Layer Systems
  • Technical Textiles/Composites
  • Methods/Processes

In situ Bestimmung der Zug-Dehnungseigenschaften unter variierten klimatischen Bedingungen zur Charakterisierung von Bahnenwaren mit biobasierten Anteilen

BMWK IGF 01F23294N | Laufzeit: 03.2024 – 08.2026

Dr. David Ehinger, FILK Freiberg

End of project: 08/31/2026


  • Biogenic Raw Materials
  • Biomaterials
  • Functional Layer Systems
  • Test/Analytical methods
  • Technical Textiles/Composites

Transparenter Lack mit permanenter Antistatikwirkung für flexible Verbundmaterialien

BMWK INNO-KOM 49MF230056 | Laufzeit: 03.2024 – 02.2026

Andrea Winkler, FILK Freiberg

End of project: 02/28/2026


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  • Technical Textiles/Composites

Wasserbasierter und fleckbeständiger PLA-Lack für flexible PUR-Kunstleder

BMWK INNO-KOM 49MF230067 | Laufzeit: 11.2023 – 10.2025

Linda Köhler, FILK Freiberg

End of project: 10/31/2025


  • Chemistry of Polymers
  • Technical Textiles/Composites

Polyol-Recyclate durch Glycerolyse von flexiblen PU-Wertstoffen für den Wiedereinsatz in neuen Materialien

BMWK INNO-KOM 49VF220065 | Laufzeit: 09.2023 – 08.2025

Linda Köhler, FILK Freiberg

End of project: 08/31/2025


  • Technical Textiles/Composites

Recycling von Mehrlagen-Verbunden und -Textilien mittels integriertem Ansatz für das Delaminieren nach Bedarf (Debonding on Demand)

BMWK IGF-Cornet 349 EBG | Laufzeit: 03.2023 – 02.2025

Frauke Junghans, FILK Freiberg

End of project: 02/28/2025


  • Technical Textiles/Composites

Polymer-LED-Komposite mit aktiver sensorbasierter Steuerung am Beispiel der Bilirubin-Therapie

BMWK IGF 22822 BG | Laufzeit: 02.2023 – 01.2025

Martin Heise, FILK Freiberg; Heiko Rexin, OUT Berlin

End of project: 01/31/2025


  • Technical Textiles/Composites

Molekulare Simulation des Mehrkomponenten­systems PVC-Weichmacher für die Entwicklung nachhaltiger, langlebiger und gesundheitlich unbedenklicher (Verbund-) Materialien

BMWK IGF 22362 BR | Laufzeit: 07.2022 – 12.2024

Susanne Fritz, Maren Lehmann, FILK Freiberg

End of project: 12/31/2024


  • Technical Textiles/Composites
  • Material Characterization

noFoul – Mikrostrukturbasierte Oberflächenfunktionalisierung für die, großflächige, biozidfreie Biofilm- und Bewuchshemmung auf Architektur-, Schwimmbad und Schutzfolien | Erarbeitung der Prozessgrundlagen und mikrobiologischen Funktionsbewertung

BMBF WIR! GRAVOmer 03WIR2013D | Laufzeit: 11.2022 – 10.2024

Mandy Gersch, Kathrin Leppchen-Fröhlich, FILK Freiberg | SWG Frankenberg | Reisewitz Penig | sema Coswig | IF TU Dresden

End of project: 10/31/2024


  • Functional Layer Systems
  • Technical Textiles/Composites

Dauerhafte Funktionalisierung von PU-Membranen mit antimikrobiellen Eigenschaften für den Einsatz in Textillaminaten | Teilprojekt: Formulierung von umweltfreundlichen PU-Systemen für die Herstellung von antimikrobiell ausgerüsteten Membranen

ZIM KK5332104KO1 | Laufzeit: 06.2022 – 05.2024

Maria Riedel, Kathrin Leppchen-Fröhlich, Maren Lehmann, FILK Freiberg; Norbert Schreiter, Vowalon Treuen; Martin Hestermann, Trans-Textil Freilassing

End of project: 05/31/2024


  • Functional Layer Systems
  • Technical Textiles/Composites

Reinventing a smart, circular, and competitive textile industry with advanced myco-fibres (MY-FI)

BMBF Horizon H2020-FNR-2020-1 | Laufzeit: 11.2020 – 04.2024

Anke Mondschein, Michaela Schröpfer, FILK Freiberg | Mogu S.r.l Italy (Coordinator)

End of project: 04/30/2024


  • Biogenic Raw Materials
  • Technical Textiles/Composites

VUV-Modifizierung von Silikonkunstleder für eine verbesserte Haptik und eine höhere Abriebbeständigkeit

BMWK IGF 22286 BG | Laufzeit: 04.2022 – 03.2024

Kristin Trommer, Frauke Junghans, FILK Freiberg | Laura Schilinsky, Fraunhofer-IFAM Bremen

End of project: 03/31/2024


  • Technical Textiles/Composites

Nachhaltige Substitution erdölbasierter Polymere für Flächendrainagesysteme unter Einhaltung für die Außenanwendung erforderlicher Eigenschaften

DBU 37879/01 | Laufzeit: 12.2021 – 12.2023

Mandy Gersch, Kristin Trommer, FILK Freiberg | Ralph Johann, Gutjahr Systemtechnik Bickenbach

End of project: 12/07/2023


  • Technical Textiles/Composites

All completed projects can be found here To Project Library


FILK Freiberg Institute gGmbH
Meißner Ring 1-5
09599 Freiberg


Fon: +49-(0)3731-366-0
Fax: +49-(0)3731-366-130