AiF - the network of networks
More than 100 research associations from different industries and technology fields work under one roof of AiF (Arbeitsgemeinschaft industrieller Forschungsvereinigungen "Otto von Guericke" e.V.). These organisations are members of AiF. They group innovative companies and trade associations from their respective areas of expertise, and coordinate research projects which closely focus on the need of the industry. Interdisciplinary collaboration can be based on established and resilient connections between the disciplines.
Our institute is one of 100
As member association of AiF we have direct access to Industrielle Gemeinschaftsforschung IGF. The pre-competitive IGF establishes ties between basic research and economic application, and offers SMEs access to topical scientific findings. Under the roof of the research associations new technologies are prepared for whole industries and increasingly across industries, in order to maintain and strengthen competitiveness of medium-sized companies. In addition, IGF contributes to the retention of skilled workers, promotes the foundation of companies and supports SMEs in their international activities. It is publicly subsidised by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK).
Innovation network grown over 60 years
The innovation network of AiF grown over 60 years consists of companies active in the field of research, research associations and facilities. In this connection AiF forms the roof of 100 resarch associations which respectively act as industry-related innovation networks themselves. Thus it is possible that the advantages of flexible alliances adopted to current needs combine with grown association structures. Cross-industry and interdisciplinary research activities are promoted. This close interaction offers ideal preconditions for the transfer of research results, so that they come into the market more rapidly and become "innovations" in the true sense of the word.

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