  • Training Seminars

Leder kompakt (German)

Leather is one of the oldest materials used by man. In spite of all technical substitutes, it is still a popular and important natural material, which is mainly used in the clothing, shoe, automotive and furniture industries. Leather has been used for protective and decorative products since the beginning of mankind and today has to meet a wide range of quality requirements with regard to processability, utility value and durability. In other words: leather is a high-tech material. Unlike technical materials, whose properties can be adjusted very precisely within the technological limits, leather is an "emotional" natural material - each hide is unique with individual characteristics.

In a compact form, the seminar provides participants with an understanding of leather as a material. On the first day of the seminar, all the important aspects of leather production will be examined, starting with the raw material and extending to the various production technologies and the characteristics or types of leather that can be produced with them. A guided tour of the institute's own leather laboratory and the testing laboratory will provide a practical demonstration of the newly acquired knowledge.

The second day of the seminar deals with the ecological aspects of leather production, testing and characterization of leather and its processing. The seminar ends with a concluding discussion and question period.


Erster Tag 10:00 - 17:30 Uhr

  • Definitionen Leder (u.a. Lederarten, Abgrenzung zu anderen Materialien, Definitionen)

  • Kollagen (u.a. Chemische Grundlagen, Vorkommen und Anwendung)

  • Rohware (u.a. Tierarten, Aufbau der Haut)

  • Lederherstellung (von der Wasserwerkstatt bis zur Endzurichtung)


Zweiter Tag 9:00 - 15:00 Uhr

  • Ökologische Aspekte (u.a. Abwasserbehandlung, Sustainability)

  • Lederverarbeitung (u.a. Zuschneiden, Kaschieren, Nähen)

  • Spezifikationen & physikalische Prüfungen

  • Chemische Prüfungen & Gütesiegel

  • Fehlerdiagnosen, Reklamationen (allgemeines Vorgehen, Methoden)

  • Reinigung & Pflege

  • Führung durch das Prüflabor

  • Fragerunde

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FILK Freiberg Institute gGmbH
Meißner Ring 1-5
09599 Freiberg


Fon: +49-(0)3731-366-0
Fax: +49-(0)3731-366-130
E-Mail: mailbox@filkfreiberg.de