VW 50180

Components, Semi-Finished Products, and Materials in the Vehicle Interior


  • Functional Coatings + Composites
  • Biomaterials
  • Coated Textiles + Plastic Roll Goods
  • Leather + Leatherfibre Boards
  • Plastics + Elastomers + Foils
  • Textiles + Yarn
  • Trendsubstitutes
  • Chemicals + Additives
  • Components
  • Foams


  • VW

superior Emission standard of VW

For detailed information, please, use the available contact form, indicating the required test(s) and, if applicable, the required product version. We will be pleased to advise you.

Inquiry to Test Laboratory


FILK Freiberg Institute gGmbH
Meißner Ring 1-5
09599 Freiberg


Fon: +49-(0)3731-366-0
Fax: +49-(0)3731-366-130
E-Mail: mailbox@filkfreiberg.de