Directions to FILK

You can reach the FILK Freiberg Institute gGmbH by different ways (by car, public transport, by train and airplane).


FILK Freiberg Institute gGmbH
Meißner Ring 1-5
09599 Freiberg



In the following you will find detailed information on how to reach us by car, public transport, train and plane.

by car

by car

Via the Autobahn from Frankfurt, München, Berlin, Dresden, Leipzig and Chemnitz

You can reach Freiberg using: 

  • Autobahn 4, take the exit (75) "Siebenlehn". Follow the B101 with direction Freiberg till 'Meißner Ring' in Freiberg

  • Autobahn A14, exit (28) Nossen Nord and follow the B175 with direction Nossen, in Nossen you go right and take the B101 with direction Freiberg till 'Meißner Ring' in Freiberg

Via the Autobahn from Prag:

  • Autobahn A17, exit (28) Kesselsdorf and follow the B173 with direction Freiberg till 'Meißner Ring' in Freiberg

 Via the Bundesstraße:

  • from Dresden: B173 with direction Freiberg

  • from Chemnitz: B173 with direction Freiberg

  • from Annaberg- Buchholz: B101 with direction Freiberg

Zum Routenplaner mit Google Maps

public transport

public transport

REGIOBUS Mittelsachsen GmbH  offers convenient city-surrounding areas connections from Freiberg. The bus stop "Donatsring/Meißner Tor" is located directly at the FILK

In Freiberg you can take the bus lines of Stadtverkehr Freiberg to FILK, starting at bus terminal:

  • Line "A" direction Halsbrücke from train station or bus terminal until bus stop 'Donatsring/Meißner Tor'

  • Line "C" direction Wasserberg/Seilerberg, until bus stop 'Donatsring/Meißner Tor'

  • Line "H" direction Halsbrücke, until bus stop 'Donatsring/Meißner Tor'

by train

by train

Freiberg train station is only 2 km away from FILK.  By feet it is a 20 minutes walk. Alternatively, there  are taxis available at the train station.

With railway line of Deutschen Bahn to station Freiberg (Sachs):

  • via Chemnitz, from Southern and Western Germany 

  • via Dresden, from Northern and Eastern Germany


With Freiberger Eisenbahn:

  • from Holzhau, Rechenberg-Bienenmühle, Mulda, Lichtenberg, ... (in the South of Freiberg)

by plane

by plane

Airports near Freiberg

There are regular train connections by Deutsche Bahn getting to Freiberg or take a Intercity bus (e.g. FLiXBUS). 


FILK Freiberg Institute gGmbH
Meißner Ring 1-5
09599 Freiberg


Fon: +49-(0)3731-366-0
Fax: +49-(0)3731-366-130